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All the dimensions of Panchgaya – based agriculture along with practical application, the process of manufacturing and use of all kinds of cowdung manure, insecticides and agriculture fostering components, the importance of astrology and its use in agriculture, storing and marketing of ripe (reaped) grain (duration of the course -3 weeks)
The process of developing plantation garden, the process of developing all kinds of seeds and plants of the highest quality, the process of making manure and nutrients for plantation garden (nursery)
Yoga the meeting of the soul with the ultimate soul, the path of liberation. Ashtang yoga (Enght fold path) enables us to give direction for the reunion of the body, mind and soul. A detailed knowledge of the yoga based on panchgavya along with its practical application.
Giving sermons and tale – telling about the cow is a good source of promoting love, respect and a scientific outlook for the cow. This subject will be taught by those who are experts in story – telling and collective chanting of hymns. The duration of this course cannot be determined because it is a subject requiring constant practice. Whenever there is suitable time, the course will be taken up.
In order to understand and practice the science and importance of mother cow, a study of Indian Scriptures will be necessary and for that the practice of Sanskrit will be most important. Besides, in order to understand Sankrit scriptures, the system of Sanskrit scripts (with its symbols and marks) will be taught by eminent Sanskrit scholars. (Duration of the course 6 weeks)
In Indian life Astrology has had a unique place. Not only predictive astrology but also, with the help of health – astrology, agriculture – astrology, omen – astrology and after aspects of astrology, our social life has developed. All such subjects will be taught here. (duration 9 weeks).
To set up a Cow-dung gas plant from the cow-dung, the use of Cow-dung gas as a fuel, to obtain CNG after referring the Cow-dung gas, to fill into a tank, CNG with the help of bull-driven compressor under a high pressure. (duration of the course 4 weeks)
To set up a cow-dung gas plant from the Cow-dung, after using the Cow-dung gas as a fuel, production of electricity from the electric generator. (duration of the course – 4 weeks)
For the protection and preservation of environment, construction of houses with the help of bamboo, wood, cow dung, clay, mortar (line), gaggery etc. (duration of the course 6 weeks)
To treat and cure various curable and incurable diseases with the help of medicines processed through Panchgavyas of mother Cow.
Therapy of the cleansing of the body through Panchgavya based on ayurveda (the arnica of health and longevity). (duration of the course – 3 weeks)
Manufacturing of drugs from Panchgavyes, necessary for the treatment of various health problems. (Essences, drinks, balms, oils, powder, tablets etc.) duration of the course – 4 weeks,
The science and art of marketing of various Panchgaya – based products (duration of the course 4 weeks)
In the production of paper, the use of Cow-dung as a raw material. Various processes of making objects of paper. (duration of the course – 4 weeks)
Toilet – soap, washing kitchen – ware soap, oil, tooth-powder, shampoo incense – sticks, mosquito – repellant –sticks, paste for the body etc., (duration of the course 4 weeks)
In a strong, cultural and qualitative social structure, the science of reproduction has an important place. Under this course, a thorough study of this course will be taken up. (duration of the course 4 weeks)
To keep up balance with place, time, season and nature, health – promoting dietetics marked with purity.
An ideal Cow shed, Considering not our choice in making a cow shed but that of the liking of the cow, the construction and management of a cow shed. (duration of the course 4 weeks)
Cow-based various Indian folk – arts, classical arts, and crafts (duration of the course 4 weeks)
Despite legal provisions for preventing the Cow – slaughter, it has not been possible to prevent it altogether. Under this course the entre legal knowledge will be imparted by senior, experienced advocates. This will strengthen the efforts of those who are engaged in the task of cow-protection (duration of the course 3 weeks)
Water is life. Not only for cows, but for human beings too, water is most essential. In fact it is essential for all living beings. It opinion of few experts that third world war will be for water. (Course duration: 3 weeks)
There are laws to prevent killing of cows. But due to the lack of information of the exercise of these rules and regulations, cow killing, its illegal trafficking is still rampant. In this course, a senior experienced advocate will impart knowledge as regards to laws and regulations in this matter. This will help cow protectors to maintain law and order. (Course duration: 3 weeks)
There will be a dedicated department for special / advanced research regarding cows and their usefulness. Research course duration is flexible; facilities for research will be made available.